
Family Productivity App

Conceived as a "Basecamp for families," the intent of FamilyDen was to give management tools to families. With functionality such as shared Calendars, To Do Lists, Grocery Lists, Private Messaging and more, FamilyDen was to be the productivity hub of the modern family.


The Challenge

Busy families need to be able communicate effectively around scheduling, chores, groceries and more. Having one central location for managing all this information, as well as tracking items like school lunch payments and even coordinating with extended family members, coaches, etc. would be ideal for today's family.

The Approach

I interviewed friends and family members who were in the role of family manager, as well as a number of members of a mom blogger group affiliated with FamilyDen about the challenges, pain points and process of managing a family.

After gathering the information from all the interviews, it became clear that the primary focus of the application should be to give the family manager an overview of family activity that could be scanned quickly, with the ability to get more detailed information on tasks, chores, grocery lists or events in a calendar. I proceeded mapping out a dashboard that linked to detail screens of each item, along with additional functionality such as the ability to favorite items to highlight their importance.

To test the initial designs, an HTML wireframe was created and shared with our test group. Feedback was gathered, the designs were refined and iterated upon until we had a dashboard design that met our group's needs, and development on the application began.

Once the initial MVP for the web application was in place, we began development on the iOS application. I mapped out the work flow and behaviors for the application and created an interactive prototype that we tested and iterated upon with our user group.

Once our prototype was refined to a point that satisfied our testing requirements, the design was developed and released in the Apple App Store.


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+1 720-217-6029